Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. It primary affect older adults and it affects the part of the brain that Controls thought, memory and language. Nearly 4 million American suffers from Alzheimer’s disease.

There is a genetic component to the disease which is not the focus of this blog. In most of these blogs I will focus on what the medical and natural world is looking into, with respect to what you can do to help yourself.

“In Alzheimer’s disease, brain cells disappear from both the cerebral cortex, a structure in the front of the brain that is the center of intellectual activity, and the hippocampus, a structure deep in the brain involved with memory and reasoning. As the cells malfunction and die, the connections between them are lost. This interferes with the intricate process of cell-to-cell communication”. (Phyllis A. Balch cnc, Prescription for Herbal Healing, p. 184)

So the aim of any treatment especially in the early stages of this disease is to retard the progression of symptoms. The body can be aided by doing certain activities and using natural substances that will aid in circulation and brain health.

Risk factors that are in your control are: Head Trauma (avoid boxing), depression, emotional stress, poor stress coping mechanisms, alcohol abuse, nutrient deficiencies, neurotransmitter deficits, metabolic deficits, exposure to neurotoxins, free radical damage, aluminum (suspected), reduced blood flow, estrogen imbalance.

There is a growing body of evidence for the promotion of exercise and a healthy diet to reduce Alzheimer’s risk. Avoiding tobacco, limiting alcohol consumption, staying socially active, and engaging in intellectually stimulating activities have also been shown to have a protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease.

Some important support herbs and supplements are Ashwaganda, Butcher’s Broom, Ginkgo¹, Gotu Kola, Hawthorn, Rose Hips, soy isoflavone and soy lecithin². Always double check the information about harmful herb-drug interactions.

¹Avoid or be careful if taking blood thinning medication.

²Soy lecithin may cause mild diarrhea when first used.